Valentine's Day is, for most people, a day to celebrate loved ones in their lives. But where did Valentine's Day begin and how did we come to celebrate a special day in honor of our loved ones? And who is Saint Valentine anyway?
Just like at Christmas, people exchange cards and gifts in celebration of this day but in some places around the world, they do not. India is a place where there are people who do not do others. According to some "Indians", it is not part of their culture.

First, Valentine's Day is the "Feast of St. Valentine". There are at least three different saints recognized by the Catholic Church called Valentine (or Valentinus). All three were martyred. According to the legend, one of these saints was a priest in Rome at the time of Valentin Emperor Claudius II. The emperor determined that it was not possible for single men to marry because they were less effective as soldiers if they had families. For this reason, the emperor set the outline for marriage. Because Saint Valentine felt it unfair and unjust, he went against the decree of the emperor and continued to marry in secrecy. Before long, his secret was out and Claudius killed him.

Saint Valentine.
Variations of the legend state that Saint Valentine may have been killed for a different reason, to assist Christians in escaping from the cells of the Roman prison where many were tortured. Yet another variation of the legend indicates that while in prison, Saint Valentine fell in love with the girl, perhaps the daughter of the jailer, who had met her while in prison. It is suggested that he actually sent Valentine his first message before his death and signed it "from your Valentine." Regardless of which legend is completely true, he was clearly a hero and according to his reputation, he became very popular in England and France.

A Pagan Festival
Why Valentine's Day is celebrated in the middle of February, as some believe, coincides with St. Valentine's death anniversary. There are others who believe that it was deliberately placed by the Christian Church in mid-February to "pagan" a pagan celebration - namely, Luparkalia. This pagan celebration was celebrated on 15 February (the day of February) and was a fertility festival in honor of the Roman deity, Faunus, and also in honor of the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. The festival consisted of a gathering of Roman priests around a sacred cave, where it was believed that the founders of Rome were looked after by wolves. The priest then sacrificed a goat and a dog. The goat represented fertility and the dog represented purification. With a goat hide bar drenched in blood, they would go out into the streets and slap women and crops. Instead of being afraid, women believed that this ritual would make them more fertile. Then later, women were paired with single people in the city and were often married.

Romantic Celebration
By the end of the 5th century, the celebration of Lupercalia was outlawed and considered "United Nations Christian". Pope Gelasius set February 14 as St. Valentine's Day and eventually connected to the celebration of love. A Valentine poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, is still used today. It was a poem written after his wife was imprisoned and imprisoned in the Tower of London. The poem is part of a collection of manuscripts stored in the British Library in London.

Love Letters
Over the years it became a tradition to make or buy love notes to share with loved ones. The tradition began in the 18th century as a celebration of Valentine's Day which was the early 17th century in Great Britain. Traditionally the countries celebrating this special day include the United States, Canada, Mexico, the UK, France and Australia. By 1900, as printing technology emerged, printed versions of these "love notes" were produced. The first valentine to be mass produced in the US was sold by Esther A. Howland in the 1840s.
Today, St. Valentine's Day is celebrated in many ways, such as giving gifts such as flowers, candy (especially chocolate candy), and cards for that particular dessert. Sweethearts are not the only ones receiving gifts. Children exchange valentines at school as well as candy.